As early childhood professionals, our readers know that effective strategies for conflict management are required in operating a quality early learning program. While it is important for all early childhood professionals to have tools when conflicts arise, it is even more important to guide children toward the social and emotional skills necessary for resolving their own conflicts. The professional development course, GUI102: Conflict Resolution in the Early Childhood Environment from ChildCare Education Institute, offers real strategies and practices for implementing a positive guidance approach to helping kids move toward independent conflict resolution.

GUI102: Conflict Resolution in the Early Childhood Environment-ChildCare Education Institute Course Review
Disclosure: this post and others within the blog contain affiliate, distributor, and/or sponsored content and links. Please see our updated privacy policy for full disclosures and more information. The following is a sponsored review from ChildCare Education Institute – all opinions are my own.
The course, GUI102: Conflict Resolution in the Early Childhood Environment, from ChildCare Education Institute is an online professional development course designed for early childhood professionals who teach, care, or work with children in a variety of early learning environments. While there are many developmentally appropriate conflict resolution strategies and practices early learning professionals must have in our repertoire, the goals remain the same:
- What can we do to minimize the potential for conflict in the early learning environment?
- How do we implement techniques for resolution once conflict does arise?
- How can we guide children in developing the social and emotional skills necessary to solve problems on their own?

The “S-T-O-N-E-S” Approach to a Peaceful Early Learning Environment
The GUI102: Conflict Resolution in the Early Childhood Environment professional development course, from ChildCare Education Institute, successfully defines various types of potential conflicts and offers practical tips for guiding kids to social/emotional growth and self-regulation. Personally, I love the “Stones” Approach, coined by Barbara Stephens, suggested within the course’s content. The acronym S-T-O-N-E-S is used to promote peace within the early learning environment:
Stop any hurtful actions and approach the situation calmly – place yourself between the children at their eye level, use a calm voice and remain neutral.
Talk to each child about their feelings.
Offer to help by gathering information, show them how to listen with respect and courtesy.
Neutralize the problem by restating it.
Everyone shares their ideas and the children decide on a solution.
Support and follow up with the children.

GUI102 Conflict Resolution in the Early Learning Environment
When talking with other early childhood professionals, I often hear, “…but you haven’t seen how MY kids behave in the classroom.” I’ve partnered with parents to teach and care for hundreds of children in the 35 years of my career in early learning. I’ve seen most examples of conflict in the classroom or in early care environments. The course, GUI102: Conflict Resolution in the Early Childhood Environment from ChildCare Education Institute, does an excellent job of analyzing the source of conflicts, discussing character education, communication skills, and giving relevant tools early childhood professionals can implement immediately. Tough conflicts, like biting, are explored with many suggestions to help in your childcare or early learning classroom environments. I highly recommend this course to all early childhood professionals!
Gain Tools and Knowledge for Positive Guidance Toward Conflict Resolution

All ECE professionals face conflicts in our own early learning environments. Gaining the tools and knowledge to help guide our kids toward independent conflict resolution can be achieved, entirely online, through ChildCare Education Institute. The GUI102: Conflict Resolution in the Early Childhood Environment course can be completed in the comfort of your own home, and on your own time schedule – 24/7/365.
With ChildCare Education Institute’s online courses, it’s easy to guide your own professional development and explore the many options for gaining new credentials and tools for teaching and working with young children. GUI102: Conflict Resolution in the Early Childhood Environment is a must-take course for all ECE professionals. With guided videos, key question/answer components, and a thorough (printable) hand-out, early learning professionals will gain developmentally appropriate tools and practices to positively guide all kids toward the social/emotional skills necessary for independent conflict resolution. The course even covers conflict resolution for situations arising with colleagues or between parent-teacher or parent-childcare professional within the early learning environment.

Why Should YOU Choose ChildCare Education Institute for Professional Development over other online providers?
I’ve taken many online professional development courses in my career. The online classes through ChildCare Education Institute contain content rich classes that are easy to access through a personalized dashboard. I’ve learned to choose carefully which online professional development providers are accepted in my own state. Fortunately, ChildCare Education Institute is nationally accredited and accepted in 49 states. Upon completion of any course, you can print a digital copy of the class certificate or have it electronically transmitted directly to your own gateway registry – no more waiting for “snail mail” delivery of professional development course certificates. With classes in both English and Spanish, there are many great online courses to help you gain CEU’s, credentialing programs, or meet childcare licensing requirements as a professional in early childhood. Please take a moment to check out the many online professional development courses available at ChildCare Education Institute.
Please note: Upon completion of the course assessment, a continuing education certificate can be printed from your own personalized dashboard through CCEI’s proprietary learning management system called F.A.M.E. In many cases, the hours can be sent directly to the gateway or registry entered for professional development. IACET CEU’s awarded for completed coursework are available with no additional fees.

ChildCare Education Institute provides high-quality, online training courses and programs, applicable to those who work in an array of childcare settings, including center-based care, Head Start, family childcare, Pre-K classrooms, after-school environments, and more. Over 150 English and Spanish training courses are available to meet licensing, recognition programs, or Head Start requirements. CCEI also has online certification programs that the coursework requirement for national credentials including the CDA, Director and Early Childhood Credentials, CCEI, a Council for Professional Recognition CDA Gold Standard training provider, is nationally accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC) and is accredited as an Authorized Provider by the International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET).
- 99 percent of students say they would recommend ChildCare Education Institute to others
- Over 5 million online course hours completed
- Graduated over 13,000 early childhood professionals from CDA and other certificate programs
- Web-based coursework is available 24/7/365
- IACET CEU’s awarded for completed coursework at no additional cost

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