Forever Namaste – A Journey to Hope after Child Loss from Blood Clots
Child loss is devastating for many families. No parent wishes to survive a child, ever. Many of you, my readers, are well aware that my first-born daughter (age 30) died suddenly, two years ago, due to pulmonary embolisms. I did not know pulmonary embolisms were common among young women (especially young women on estrogen-based birth control or those who have experienced trauma to the lower body). I did not know what a pulmonary embolism was until 24 hours after my daughter died in front of me. I will always wish I had known.
Forever Namaste is a new eBook that details a journey from the first signs of an unrecognized Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) to sudden death after the initial signs of pulmonary embolisms (PE) began. Paramedics called to the scene dismissed the signs as an “anxiety attack” only and failed to take any vitals (including any pulse oximetry readings to check oxygen levels in her bloodstream, even after cyanosis became apparent). The resulting journey of child loss, in Forever Namaste, is a raw and private account of great loss, but a story that needs to be told in order to bring awareness to the devastation of blood clots. It is my greatest hope that somehow, someway, our family’s own story of tragedy can help another avoid the heartbreaking loss we’ve experienced. An addendum to the eBook has been added to bring awareness to DVT’s and Pulmonary Embolisms.
Help Spread the Word with Stop the Clot
Blood Clots are deadly and kill quickly. Pulmonary embolisms need immediate medical attention. To learn more about blood clots and support national awareness, please join the Thunderclap by the National Blood Clot Alliance this week as part of Blood Clot Awareness Month 2017. For additional information on blood clots, please follow Stop the Clot on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook.
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