We know that children are like “sponges” and absorb information at an amazing rate! Our thematic units provide “language-rich” opportunities to play and explore with your children through: literacy, science, math, arts, imaginative drama, and large muscle games. To preview all THEMES or to learn more, please visit: The Preschool Toolbox Blog!
Sugar Scripting (see picture above)
Fill a heavy cardboard box lid (shoe box lid is photographed) with white sugar and a little orange (or other flavor) jello. Mix well. Set out paintbrushes and large/small cookie cutters. Let the children draw letters, numbers, “cut” shapes, or simply make funny designs in the box.
Snack Shack – Summer Snack Shack Kid Badges
A snack area can be made with different options for the children to assemble their own snack. We used a puppet theater for the “entrance” complete with “Snack Shack” signs the children decorated. You may even wish to make “tickets” for entrance to the “Snack Shack.” Print the .pdf file above, laminate, and let the kids use for “Snack Shack” badges. On a table, set out small plates, containers of fresh fruit, small crackers, and cheese cubes. Let the children make their own snack. We chose “servers” to go around with small milk pitchers to practice our pouring skills (and also our MANNERS) when serving each other. The children LOVE this activity and ask for it often. This summer we have done “Snack Shacks” every Friday afternoon!
Spoon Sorting
Set out a variety of spoons (several of each TYPE) on a table or floor area (ex: wooden, plastic, bamboo, baby, measuring, ladels, and serving spoons). Hold up one spoon of each TYPE and describe what that spoon would be used for. Pass the spoon around and let the children feel the differences in weight, texture, length, etc. Let the children sort the spoons according to their TYPE.
“Squirt” Paintings
Mix water with washable tempera paint. Have the children wear smocks or paint shirts to protect their clothing. Using a funnel, pour the watered down paint mixture into small plastic squirt guns. If the weather permits, take roll paper outside and let the children “squirt” paint with several different colors/squirt guns. Let the paintings dry in the sun when possible. *After our paintings dried, we cut them into different summer shapes to use as a bulletin board for our summertime artwork. Great FUN!
Enjoy the Summer with Letter S activities for learning and play!
[…] Sugar Sensory Letter Trays – writing letters in a sugar tray is FUN practice for letter recognition and writing skills. […]