"If you want your children to be geniuses, read them Fairy Tales. If you want them to be brilliant, read them more Fairy Tales." Albert Einstein Little Red Riding Hood – Moral Lesson: do not talk with strangers; (depending on the version you read) – obeying and listening to parents – grandparents-caregivers-teachers, etc. Role play times when the children have not listened to their parents. … [Read more...] about More Fairy Tale Fun for Kids!
Wisdom, Grace, Hope, and Love this Mother’s Day!
Wow – no one said that being a MOTHER is an easy job. I’ve often wondered why God didn’t hand us a blueprint to our child’s life at birth; if we DID have the blueprint, we’d probably want to bargain for another version. I have five young adult children and a 5 yr. old that will enter Kindergarten in the Fall. Letting go of some desires to protect and hover over my children has not come easily, … [Read more...] about Wisdom, Grace, Hope, and Love this Mother’s Day!
Kentucky Derby for Kids!
MINT!! Talk to the children about the "new" flavor in the mint. What does it taste like? Do they like it? Mock Mint Julep 4 or 5 mint sprigs 1 1/2 cups sugar 2 cups cold water 3/4 cup lemon juice 1 1/2 quarts ginger ale Lemon slices Remove the stems from the mint and rinse. Combine the sugar, water and lemon juice in a medium sized bowl, blend well Pour mixture into a large … [Read more...] about Kentucky Derby for Kids!
Rainbow Crafts for Kids to Make!
Rainbow Dough BagsMost children love to play with anything they can squeeze or squash. Some, however, are a little squeamish about getting their hands messy. These dough bags put squeezable mixtures into a sealed bag that allow children to play with color mixing - all with no mess (or little clean-up for the adults.)Directions: Mix 1/3 cup sugar, 1 cup cornstarch, and 4 cups of cold water. You … [Read more...] about Rainbow Crafts for Kids to Make!
Easter Crafts for Preschoolers: Stained Glass Easter Eggs and More!
Easter is a fun time for crafting, learning, and exploring with sensory play! We hope your children enjoy some of the activity suggestions below: Shaving Cream Eggs Add a drop of food coloring to a baseball sized pile of shaving cream. Mix this with a paint brush. Have the children be very careful (use smocks because the food coloring will stain their clothing and hands). Have the children … [Read more...] about Easter Crafts for Preschoolers: Stained Glass Easter Eggs and More!
Recycling something OLD into something NEW!
Create a free photo slideshow Earth Day Activities to help kids learn about RECYCLING something old into something NEW:) 1) Have socks without a match? Throw them into a basket and have kids sort by colors, patterns, type of sock, or practice folding 2) Cover recycled juice boxes with paper and decorate like cameras! Have your kids "take" pics outside & discuss the earth's … [Read more...] about Recycling something OLD into something NEW!
Dinosaur Theme Activities for Preschoolers!
Sample Play Ideas with a Dinosaur Theme! DINO HUNT AND SEEK: Designate one or two children to be the "hunters" and the rest of the dinosaurs to hide. The hunters chant, "We are great big dinosaurs! We hunt with our claws and our teeth! Other dinos are scared of us; we eat them for their meat!" The hunters must find/ tag each of the other dinosaurs and have them sit down. When all are … [Read more...] about Dinosaur Theme Activities for Preschoolers!