We’ve had over 49 inches of snow so far this winter! Our preschoolers (and teachers) are anxiously awaiting spring’s arrival! Just in the last month, we’ve gone from -23 degrees to a stormy 50 degrees outside today! Our kids can finally see the grass peeking out from beneath all of the melting snow! To celebrate the warmer temperatures, we made stained glass umbrellas and played with sunshine math. We hope your children enjoy crafting and learning with us this spring!
Stained Glass Umbrella Craft – Stained Glass Umbrella Template
Materials needed: One umbrella template per child or craft (linked above), blue and yellow tissue paper, scissors, glue sticks, and clear contact paper.
Prior to the craft: Cut out the umbrella from the template including the hole in the center. The blue and yellow tissue paper should be cut into squares (see photo above). Younger children will need assistance with cutting.
When the template and opening is cut, place the umbrella onto a piece of clear contact paper (sticky side up). Invite the children to use the tissue paper squares to cover the opening in the umbrella. Once the children are finished, cover the entire umbrella with another sheet of clear contact paper. Older children can cut the umbrella shape out, but younger children will need assistance.
The stained glass umbrellas make wonderful spring weather crafts to display at home or in the classroom!
SUNSHINE MATH – a roll, count, and cover activity- Sunshine Roll_Count_Cover
Materials needed: One sunshine math printable (linked above) per child, two dice, and bingo dot markers (or small items/manipulatives to cover the numbers).
Invite the children to roll 2 dice, count the number of dots, and cover the corresponding numbered sun with the chosen manipulative (or mark with a bingo dot marker). When the children have rolled all of the numbers except for the number 1, have the children roll just ONE die until the number 1 is rolled.
For younger children: Have the children roll only one die to begin the game; it will allow the children to concentrate solely on the numbers 1-6. As the children gain confidence with counting and number recognition skills, add the second die to work with the numbers 1-12.
For more Spring Weather activities for learning and play, see the SPRING WEATHER THEME for Preschool and Kindergarten now available via this blog.
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