2011 Edublog Nominations have begun! Below please find our list of nominations! There are SO MANY great educational blogs out there it is hard to narrow a category to just ONE blog. Here is our humble attempt at a few categories!
Best Individual Blog – Missy Kennedy: The Kennedy Korral
Best Individual Tweeter – Deb Chitwood Living Montessori Now
Best Class Blog – Jonelle Dempsey Bell: A Place Called Kindergarten
Best Group Blog – The Coffee Klatch
Lifetime Achievement – Vanessa Levin: Pre-K Pages
We wish all of our nominees the best of luck!
Deb Chitwood says
Thank you SO MUCH for nominating me for Best Individual Tweeter! I’m honored and truly appreciate it! Have a wonderful week! 🙂
pschooltoolbox says
Deb – You are more than welcome as it is greatly deserved! You remain an inspiration for all who have children and work in the early childhood field!:) Our best to you (and yours)!