2011 Edublog Nominations have begun! Below please find our list of nominations! There are SO MANY great educational blogs out there it is hard to narrow a category to just ONE blog. Here is our humble attempt at a few categories!
Best Individual Blog – Missy Kennedy: The Kennedy Korral
Best Individual Tweeter – Deb Chitwood Living Montessori Now
Best Class Blog – Jonelle Dempsey Bell: A Place Called Kindergarten
Best Group Blog – The Coffee Klatch
Lifetime Achievement – Vanessa Levin: Pre-K Pages
We wish all of our nominees the best of luck!
Thank you SO MUCH for nominating me for Best Individual Tweeter! I’m honored and truly appreciate it! Have a wonderful week! 🙂
Deb – You are more than welcome as it is greatly deserved! You remain an inspiration for all who have children and work in the early childhood field!:) Our best to you (and yours)!