“The Night Before Christmas” by Clement Clark Moore (1779-1863) is a cherished classic in homes worldwide during the Christmas Season! The magical tale of Santa’s arrival was originally published by the New York Sentinel on December 23, 1823.
As a very young child, I was intrigued by the story. It had words like “kerchief” and “sash” that I had to read over several times before I understood exactly what they meant. I would lay in bed on Christmas Eve hoping that I’d get candy in my stocking and not “sugar plums”; I’d never eaten sugared plums and it didn’t sound as good as candy. Sometimes, I’d look at the moon and hope for just a glimpse of Santa and his reindeer flying by. Christmas Eve was magical – a night filled with love and hope in all the wonder of Christmas!
This Christmas, Reading Rainbow’s LeVar Burton invites children of all ages to join him as he reads this classic story!
We wish all of YOU a Christmas filled with Joy, Love, Hope, and Peace!
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