Wikki Stix are versatile and creative tools that will help young children learn new skills at home or in the classroom!
1). Use Wikki Stix as shoe laces on a tying frame. The Wikki Stix will hold the loops much better than a regular shoe lace! For tiny fingers, it is a great tool to enhance learning.
2) Use Wikki Stix to make tally marks. The Wikki Stix will help cement important concepts.
3) Use Wikki Stix for stringing and patterning. The Wikki Stix do not have sharp points like pipe cleaners; they hold the beads better than strings, too!
4) Use Wikki Stix to create numbers. It is a wonderful fine motor task!
5). Use Wikki Stix to circle counted groups of items – more than, less than, etc.
6). Use Wikki Stix to create a tic-tac-toe board.
7). Use Wikki Stix to create wheels for art projects.
8). Let the children make the letters of their name with pieces of Wikki Stix.
9). Use Wikki Stix to replace the strings for sewing cards.
10). Make Wikki Stix Clocks and have the children make one or both of the clock hands.
11). Use Wikki Stix to hold pony beads for counting coin values.
12). Have the children trace the outlines of pattern block shapes with the Wikki Stix.
13). Teach the children how to braid using three Wikki Stix strands.
About Wikki Stix
Wikki Stix has been entertaining parents, teachers and children for more than twenty years! Wikki Stix One-of-a-Kind Creatables are the award winning original waxed yarn creativity toy. Wikki Stix are Made in the USA. Follow on Twitter and Facebook for periodic discount codes.
Katherine Collmer says
These are wonderful ideas! Thanks for sharing them. I will do the same and will definitely use them in my clinic!