Children love to discuss the weather and observe weather patterns in their own cities and towns. Below are a few suggestions that will help the children understand the changes that occur as many climates transition from Winter to Spring. In like a LION and Out like a LAMB! - In Like a Lion Poem and Lion or Lamb Recording Chart Materials needed: 1 Poem (linked above) for each child, 1 Lion … [Read more...] about In like a LION? March Weather for Kids!
Weather Theme for Preschool
The 5 Senses Activities in Preschool: Exploring Spring Weather!
Children love to learn about the weather! When exploring Spring weather, children have many opportunities to explore with these 5 senses activities! Sight - Whats_the_Weather_Like Observe the weather outside each day! What is the weather outside TODAY? Look in the newspaper each day and at the weather map in the paper (the children can also visit Show the … [Read more...] about The 5 Senses Activities in Preschool: Exploring Spring Weather!
Summer Crafts to “Beat the Heat!”
LOOKING FOR SOME EASY KID'S CRAFT ACTIVITIES? WE CAN HELP! Check out our THEMES for MANY other ideas for arts, crafts, literacy, math, science, large motor, and play! CEREAL RAINBOWS We used markers to draw arcs on construction paper. The children then used liquid school glue to put rainbow colored cereal around the arcs. Let the rainbows dry well before hanging or sending home! Extension: … [Read more...] about Summer Crafts to “Beat the Heat!”