Kids love reading and learning with classic Fairy Tales! There are great adventures awaiting…read, sing, and play along with us!
The 3 Little Pigs – those who work hard, work smart, plan, and use materials wisely will triumph over those that do not. Role play or brainstorm ways that the children might be successful if they plan, listen, and work hard. Ask the children to build towers or pyramids from different materials: wood blocks, styrofoam cups, cubes, etc. Which is sturdier? Which falls down easier?
Song – Rapunzel – listen to the song at Voicethread
Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your long hair (hands flow along hair)
I’ll climb right up; soon I’ll be there (alternate hands climbing to the sky)
For you my dear, Mother’s made a plan (lay both hands across the heart)
I’m not really who you think that I am! (finger to mouth in a Shshsh…a secret)
~The Preschool Toolbox
Princess Halos
Princess Halos are easy to make and make a great prop for Fairy Tales Parties, Princess Birthday Parties, and any special celebration!
Materials: Gold pipe cleaners or garland, gold ribbons, curly ribbon. Cut a piece of gold garland to fit your child’s head. In the back, attach a string of gold ribbon. Thread the curling ribbon around the garland. Leave enough ribbon to have streamers in the back.
Giant Art
Materials: Roll paper or butcher paper, crayons, markers, construction paper, yarn, other collage materials. Have an adult lie down on the paper and then the children draw “the GIANT” by tracing around her/his body with washable markersJ. When done tracing the body shape, add features, clothes, accessories, etc. The GIANT is a great project to display!
The King’s Ball
Send out invitations and ask the children to all dress up one day (or set out play clothes that have princess dresses, shoes, gentlemen’s hats, etc.). Play some music and let the kids dance. Make halos and king’s crowns from the art section to wear. Make (or have the children bring) special treats for the day.
Fe, Fi, Fo, Fum – Move to the Drum
Materials: Toy Drum or coffee can and a rhythm stick or a wooden spoon. Tap out two rhythms on the drum and let your child try to copy. Try making 4 quick taps or 2 slower taps. Tell your child that every time he hears the quick taps, he must jump up and down quickly. When he hears the slow taps he must walk around the room slowly. Alternate the taps and practice. Let your child make taps for you. Great way to exercise with your children.
Enjoy and let your children use their imaginations!
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